ČSOB Business Connector

ČSOB Business Connector


Get detailed transaction information of your bank account in ČSOB.

Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Connect Requirement:

  • activate the ČSOB Business Connector service
  • upload received certificate to our application
  • enable statements in XML format in the CSOB Business Connector service

Detailed howto… (czech only)

You can download statements from ČSOB only after activating XML files with and maximum is one-month history.

Choose with what application should ČSOB Business Connector be integrated:

Integration scenarios with data from ČSOB Business Connector:

Keywords: transactions, movements, payments, credit, debit, bank account, bank, money, ČSOB, CSOB, CEB, Business Connector
Aliases: csob.cz
Typos: busines conector, csob
Tags: Payments