Česká spořitelna

Transfer of the payment order from POHODA to Česká spořitelna

Send payment orders directly from POHODA.

  • Price €11.95 / month (another €3.63 / month)
  • Installation and configuration by a Dativery employee (more info): €81
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.

Integration allows you to transfer the created payment order from accounting POHODA directly to the bank Česká spořitelna. In the bank, the payment order will wait for authorization by the authorized person, after which the payments will be sent.


In the integration settings, you select a label that will be used to mark payment orders intended for uploading to the bank, and a second label that the integration will use to mark orders after they have been successfully uploaded to the bank. The integration will regularly and automatically search for orders to upload to the bank by label, upload them, and after uploading, mark them with the second selected label.

Warning: In order to upload payment orders to banking of Česká spořitelna , the Option to enter payment option must be enabled when providing access for Dativery. The procedure is described in the article Permission to upload payment orders to Česká spořitelna (in Czech language).

Connected Applications and Services

Scenario Type: Transfer of the payment order from accounting to the bank
Developer: Dativery s.r.o.