Import of shipment payments from Slovenská pošta Dobírky to iÚčto by email
Import of shipment payments from email sent by Slovenská pošta Dobírky to accounting iÚčto.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
An import of shipment payments (COD) from email sent by Slovenská pošta Dobírky to the iÚčto accounting application.
Connected Applications and Services
Slovenská pošta Dobírky
Cash on delivery of shipments.
Privacy: No authentication needed.
Connect Requirement: File in XLSX format with columns: Riadok, Dobierka, Mena, Var. symbol, Špec. symbol, Účet, Kód zásielky, Dátum podaja, Adresát, Zásielka ID, Adresát – Meno, Organizácia, Ulica, Číslo domu, PSČ, Mesto, Dátum doručenia, Dátum úhrady and Referencia platby.
Connect Requirement: File in XLSX format with columns: Riadok, Dobierka, Mena, Var. symbol, Špec. symbol, Účet, Kód zásielky, Dátum podaja, Adresát, Zásielka ID, Adresát – Meno, Organizácia, Ulica, Číslo domu, PSČ, Mesto, Dátum doručenia, Dátum úhrady and Referencia platby.
Online billing with payments and with integrated full-fledged accounting.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.