Import of shipment payments from GLS Slovakia COD CSV EN 1 to Exalogic OBERON by email
Import of shipment payments from email sent by GLS Slovakia COD CSV EN 1 to accounting Exalogic OBERON.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
An import of shipment payments (COD) from email sent by GLS Slovakia COD CSV EN 1 to the Exalogic OBERON accounting application.
Connected Applications and Services
GLS Slovakia COD CSV EN 1
Parcels with COD in CSV.
Privacy: No authentication needed.
Connect Requirement: File in CSV format with columns: JournalNo, ParcelNo, CodReference, DeliveryDate, CodAmount, CodCurrency, ReleaseDate, CodBankAccount, SenderName, ReportMode, CODReleaseKey, PostalAddress.
Connect Requirement: File in CSV format with columns: JournalNo, ParcelNo, CodReference, DeliveryDate, CodAmount, CodCurrency, ReleaseDate, CodBankAccount, SenderName, ReportMode, CODReleaseKey, PostalAddress.
Exalogic OBERON
Accounting system for small and medium-sized companies.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Connect Requirement: It is necessary to activate OBERON Automation Center (OAC).
Connect Requirement: It is necessary to activate OBERON Automation Center (OAC).