Import of shipment payments from FAN Courier to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee by email
Import of shipment payments from email sent by FAN Courier to accounting ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
An import of shipment payments (COD) from email sent by FAN Courier to the ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee accounting application.
Possibility to pair an incoming payments to an issued invoices or to pair outgoing payments to received payments is provided.
Connected Applications and Services
FAN Courier
Courier service in Romania.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Connect Requirement: File in XLS/XLSX format with columns: OrasDestinatar, Data AWB, SumaDeIncasat, Nr AWB, Expeditor, Destinatar, Continut, PersD, Centru_cost
Connect Requirement: File in XLS/XLSX format with columns: OrasDestinatar, Data AWB, SumaDeIncasat, Nr AWB, Expeditor, Destinatar, Continut, PersD, Centru_cost
ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee
Web interface to accounting system and ERP for smaller companies, traders and accountants.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Connect Requirement: We can only connect to installations of ABRA Flexi in a cloud or on an your own server with public IP address. It is not possible to use an installations of ABRA Flexi, which are not accessible from the Internet.
Connect Requirement: We can only connect to installations of ABRA Flexi in a cloud or on an your own server with public IP address. It is not possible to use an installations of ABRA Flexi, which are not accessible from the Internet.