Import of shipment payments from DPD Czechia COD XLS to ABRA Gen by email
Import of shipment payments from email sent by DPD Czechia COD XLS to accounting ABRA Gen.
Notice: After entering payments into ABRA Gen, payments are automatically matched with documents. For that reason, the ABRA Gen user used for integration must have the right to write to all modules, with their documents pairing can occur (e.g. invoices issued and received).
Connected Applications and Services
Shipments with cash on delivery.
Connect Requirement: File in XLS format with columns: Číslo zásilky, Příjemce, Částka, Datum rozvozu, Zákazník, Variabilní symbol and Bankovní účet.
Information system to support company management and record business processes.
Connect Requirement: Read description of ABRA Gen connection options. For proper operation, it is necessary to have activated ABRA Gen API. A non-visual user ABRA Gen must also be purchased. Usually IT administrator intervention is required.