Integration of POHODA and
Automatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.
- from CZK 470 according to order number
- Installation and configuration by a Dativery employee (more info): €832
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Links orders, products and product stocks in the e-shop of the POHODA platform and the expedition system.
What the bridge will automatically provide for you:
- transfer of products and information about them from POHODA to,
- transfer of orders from POHODA to,
- transfer of stock status from to POHODA.
Frequency of data transfers:
- orders are transmitted every 30 minutes,
- products are transferred once a day at night,
- stock status is transferred after each order transfer or every hour.
Connected Applications and Services

Economic and accounting system for entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies.
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.
Connect Requirement: Requires installation of Dativery Agent. To connect POHODA accounting, you need to use the application Dativery Agent. The application uses the POHODA user license during the data operations themselves (reading, writing, …), which it releases again after each operation (if the free user license is not immediately available, the required operation will not be successful).
Connect Requirement: Requires installation of Dativery Agent. To connect POHODA accounting, you need to use the application Dativery Agent. The application uses the POHODA user license during the data operations themselves (reading, writing, …), which it releases again after each operation (if the free user license is not immediately available, the required operation will not be successful).