Transfer of payment info from Česká spořitelna to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee
Automatic statement download from Česká spořitelna to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee.
Automatic download of the bank statements from Česká spořitelna and import of payments to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee.
Possibility to pair an incoming payments to an issued invoices or to pair outgoing payments to received payments is provided.
Connected Applications and Services
Česká spořitelna
Transaction data from Česká spořitelna accounts for use in accounting.
Connect Requirement: When logging in to Česká spořitelna for the first time via Dativery, the bank will offer you a selection of accounts that you want to make available through Dativery integrations. Select the ones you want to use in our integrations in the near future. Later changes are only possible in third-party access settings of the Internet banking.