PPL CZ for Hungary CSV 2 Beta
Shipments from Czech PPL carrier delivered to Hungary in CSV/TXT file format.
Privacy: No authentication needed.
Connect Requirement: CSV file (.TXT) with columns separated with three spaces. Column names: VarSym, Packnumber, Value, Code, PackVS and DeliveryDate
Sample data:
VarSym Packnumber Value Code PackVS DeliveryDate
2412020108 20692529895 14000,00 HUF 2024003955 26.11.2024 13:00
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Keywords: packet, consignment, shipment, parcel, c.o.d., cash on delivery, invoice, transaction, payment, order, COD, hungary, hu, hungarian
Tags: Payments, Payments – Shipping companies
Tags: Payments, Payments – Shipping companies