Posted on 27/07/2022 by fers - Updated 17/06/2024 BaseLinker BetaPrivacy: Your authentication info needed. Contact UsScroll to:Compatible applicationsIntegration in BaseLinkerData from BaseLinkerBaseLinker as connecting applicationChoose with what application should BaseLinker be integrated:All application categoriesCRMe-ShopERPInvoicingABRA Flexi / FlexiBeeABRA GenBrani.czČeská spořitelnaČeská spořitelna BUSINESS 24ČSOB Business ConnectorFio bankaJežek DuelKomerční bankaMONETA Money BankMoney S3Money S3 XMLPacketaPOHODARaiffeisenbankRetinoRevolut BusinessUniCredit BankZásilkovnaNo matching applicationClear AllIntegration scenarios with data from BaseLinker:BetaMark paid orders from Česká spořitelna BUSINESS 24 in BaseLi…Mark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Česká spořitelna BUSINESS 24.View integrationBetaTransfer invoices into ABRA GenAutomatic transfer of BaseLinker invoices to ABRA Gen.View integrationBetaExport invoices for import into Ježek DuelManual transfer of BaseLinker issued invoices to Ježek Duel.View integrationBetaOrder feeds from BaseLinker for RetinoCreates a feed with orders to transfer to Retino system.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from UniCredit Bank in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in UniCredit Bank.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Česká spořitelna in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Česká spořitelna.View integrationBetaTransfer invoices into POHODAAutomatic transfer of BaseLinker invoices to POHODA.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Fio banka in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Fio banka.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Revolut Business in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Revolut Business.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Packeta in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Packeta.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Zásilkovna in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Zásilkovna.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Raiffeisenbank in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Raiffeisenbank.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from MONETA Money Bank in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in MONETA Money Bank.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from Komerční banka in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in Komerční banka.View integrationBetaExport invoices for import into Money S3 XMLManual transfer of BaseLinker issued invoices to Money S3 XML.View integrationBetaIntegration of BaseLinker and ABRA Flexi / FlexiBeeAutomatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.View integrationBetaIntegration of BaseLinker and Brani.czAutomatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.View integrationBetaIntegration of BaseLinker and POHODAAutomatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.View integrationBetaTransfer invoices into Money S3Automatic transfer of BaseLinker invoices to Money S3.View integrationBetaMark paid orders from ČSOB Business Connector in BaseLinkerMark orders as paid in BaseLinker according to payments in ČSOB Business Connector.View integrationBetaIntegration of BaseLinker and Money S3Automatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.View integrationBetaIntegration of BaseLinker and ABRA GenAutomatic transfer of orders and products, including stock status.View integrationBetaTransfer invoices into ABRA Flexi / FlexiBeeAutomatic transfer of BaseLinker invoices to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee.View integrationTags: ERP